An award-winning coaching service to help whānau manage their electricity use and have drier, healthier homes launched today in Wairoa, with funding support by Firstlight Network.
EnergyMate is a free service that runs in various locations across the country. Through the programme eligible whānau, who are experiencing energy hardship, receive a visit from a trained EnergyMate coach who will check their heating, lighting, hot water, and appliances. They will help the whānau build an action plan, using energy-saving tips to keep the home healthier, and more energy efficient.
Firstlight Network Manager George Drysdale says Firstlight Network is excited to be a part of bringing EnergyMate to Wairoa and helping households better understand their energy use and find ways to save.
“We’re focused on keeping our communities connected and we look forward to the positive benefits this service will provide to whānau in Wairoa.”
A 2024 evaluation showed that 71% of those visited by an EnergyMate coach reported a change in their power bills, and 91% said they better understood electricity use in their home.
EnergyMate coaches will also help review the family’s electricity bill and explain the various charges it includes. An important part of the service is connecting the whānau with their electricity retailer who can help with affordable payment options and confirm they are on the best plan.
The service will be provided in Wairoa by Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust which already provides budgeting and other services in the Wairoa community.
Tania Huata, a financial mentor/coordinator and MSD connector with the Trust, says the programme will bring significant benefits to Wairoa.
“Since Cyclone Gabrielle and the recent flooding have left many in the community struggling with increased financial and emotional burdens. EnergyMate coaches will provide practical support that will empower whānau to better manage their energy use which can lead to very real cost savings.
“By working together we can create a brighter, more sustainable future for our whānau, hapū and iwi. We’ve wanted this service here in Wairoa for some time, and I’m so pleased it is finally here!”
Tania will lead a team of two newly trained coaches who, she says, are really keen to get started and make a difference.
EnergyMate is led by the Electricity Retailers’ Association New Zealand (ERANZ), and co-funded by ERANZ members, the Government and, in Wairoa, by local lines company Firstlight Network.
The EnergyMate launch took place today at a pōwhiri at Raupunga Te Huki Marae, starting at 11am. Speakers from the various organisations involved, alongside Wairoa Mayor Craig Little and MP for Napier Katie Nimon, gave the programme their blessing before closing for kai at 12.30pm.
Householders wanting to know more about EnergyMate should visit